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Why the Iphone?

By Jessica D Whittle

2007 saw what we now consider the birth of the Smartphone as we know it today, when Apple released its first iPhone to an eagerly awaiting global audience, only happy to part with their cash to get their hands on the latest must have gadget. But what made the device as successful as it was?

Arguably the most notable thing about the device, the first thing that got people talking, was the integrated touch screen technology. Granted, touch screen technology was not a new thing! But this was the first time it was being made so widely available and feasibly affordable for a large number of consumers. A touch screen meant there was no need for a keyboard and Apple put that extra space to good use, in creating a screen that made up the majority of the front exterior of the phone and that made mobile browsing feasible and simple.

The iPhone took everything we could possibly need on a mobile device and put it into one handset. It came with emailing, text messaging and phone call capability, an iPod MP3 player, access to Youtube, an integrated camera, maps and a whole host of downloadable apps as well, once the app store launched later on. The app store has been a massive hit, enabling developers to create their own apps for download onto the millions of devices out there. There are more than 180,000 different apps on the app store now, ranging from games, to utilities and there have been in excess of 3 billion downloads since the app store launched.

Perhaps a somewhat overlooked reason for its success is the way it looks as well. Gadget lovers like a slick looking device and the iPhone fits the bill. Slim and slick looking with a the bare minimum in terms of buttons. Even though the iPhone has since seen the release of the 3G and 3GS and, more recently, the ground breaking iPhone 4, its overall look has remained fairly consistent.

Demand continues to soar and with the imminent UK release of the iPad, Apple's mobile browsing success story looks set to continue. Apple is simply satisfying our ever growing desire to be able to browse, text, email and access our social networking sites on the move.

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