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Eight Things an Android smartphone can do that the iPhone cannot!

By May Tullie

The rivalry between Android and iPhone has grown as worn and dull as the everlasting debate between Windows and Mac OS X. Even so, as ardent Android supporters we thought we would construct a detailed list on 8 things which an Android phone is able to do that an iPhone can't.

1. Openness: The Android os is open source and supported by Google. This offers app programmers and also smartphone producers complete freedom to modify and customize the source as they want. This enables them to create amazing, innovative new applications. There is no limit to what a designer or smartphone supplier is able to do with Android.

2. Tight Integration With Google Apps: Even though we can't refute that Google's scatter gun approach to creating web apps and services leaves all of us bewildered, there are many invaluable tools at our disposal like Transliteration, Google Books, Google Scribe, Walky Talky and the ever geeky Sky Map. One app which will almost certainly never get to the iPhone is the Google Maps Navigation. All these applications cost nothing and function beautifully on virtually any Android phone.

3.Customized To You: With your iPhone it's possible to have any display arrangement you like provided that it is arranged in a 4 column grid. Does not sound truly customer friendly, does it? Android allows you to customize the experience with widgets and organize the dashboard as you want. Widgets may have a number of applications and expand when you select.

4. Battery Saving: Android features the best power saving features in the smartphone market built in to the operating system. There is no need to acquire additional apps, the system optimizes the battery life in the background.

5. Connections: Contrary to the iPhone you are not tethered to your iTunes profile and can plug and play on any personal computer. This openness and portability makes any Android mobile phone the ultimate in flexibility.

6. Application Kill Switch: At a click of a button, Google can distribute a signal to all Android phones to kill any rogue programs. This helps keep your smartphone safe continually and you'll rest assured knowing Google is on your side.

7. Adobe Flash: Apple is anti-Flash, we understand that. However, how about the tens of millions of folks that have to be inconvenienced as a consequence of Apple Inc's whims? Android doesn't put any boundaries around the type of media you want to view.

8. Security: Android is an open source platform. This means that there are thousands of developers critiquing the source code on a regular basis. Whenever you leverage the effectiveness of a global development community like this, security flaws are uncovered and repaired fast. Also, Android can update itself automatically without the need to be linked to Apple iTunes.

These are simply Eight things which we feel an Android phone is capable of doing that an iPhone cannot. How many other ways do you know of that helps to make the Android smartphone first-class?

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