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Do Old Mobile Phones Swap

By Cornell Reckers

Wondering how to gain cash for your old mobile phones? There are countless other people just like you. For the longest time, a boundless pool of affordable mobile phones have been produced and made available to anyone. At the present time, very affordable mobile phones are created and given away every 12 to 24 months to anyone on a legal agreement. An overflowing pool of unwanted handsets has been created due to the unending supply of new ones. Luckily, there is a solution found on swapping old mobile phones for cash.

An old and unused phone of yours can now be turned into cash. Just read this article. Information are provided in here. Through this article, you can get an idea on what process you will need to take in selling your old mobile phones for cash as well as other information needed.

Is it secure?

The comparison website offers and features companies that have not only been around for many of years, but are also esteemed and creditable. You may want to make use of a recorded delivery or special delivery via the Post Office if your mobile phone is a year or two old and of a high value. This is only to give you the security that your phone had not gotten lost or stolen and has indeed reached the recipient.

You can place more than confidence and trust in these mobile phone companies that have been continuously keeping their reputation up in dealing with your mobile phones.

What do they do when they receive my old phone?

Some of the old phones are divided into its component pieces to be reused while some are renewed to its original functioning to be sold to developing countries. The companies are disposing mobile phones cautiously to protect and preserve the dignity of Mother Nature. Through melting down and other processes, mobile phones that can no longer be restored are still of value to and are bought off by the companies because of the other elements that these contain, such as small amounts of gold. 90% of the price of a functioning mobile phone can still be placed on a handset that is damaged.

Is there a best place to send?

Recycling companies from comparison websites may vary in the range of prices they offer for an old mobile phone. Greentec, Money4urMobile, Envirofone, Fonebank, Phone Recycle Bank, Mopay and Mobile Phone Xchange are a few of the companies that propose the best prices. You can always find time to check out the website where they show a brief statement for each recycling company, and also by using the comparison engine, you can check on a few of the sites where they also display the prices.

Each recycling website boasts their own unique features. Payment transactions may be done through writing cheques or by paying higher values in Argos or Marks & Spencer vouchers. Getting paid through PayPal is an option than Envirofone offers. This can be especially useful for people who use eBay regularly. If you have a bank account, you can get paid by Greentec through the use of BACS system. Since payment by cheque is universally accepted, all of the recycling sites have the option to use this. However, posting the cheque takes a longer time than by just making payment transactions through bank.

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