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Mobile Phone Money Savings With Phone Insurance Comparison Solutions

By Tina Surewellson

Mobile phone insurance scams are popping up everywhere including the UK market. These scams are costing new device owners thousands of dollars and are taking iPhone and iPad owners by storm. Mobile companies are working hard to crack down on these scammers but it is nearly impossible to catch them all.

When the brand new tablet type computers and smart phones were introduced and released into the UK market, insuring scams increased dramatically. These scamming gurus simply act as if they are with the company the consumer purchased the device from, calling the new device owners and reading them a sales pitch in order to get them to buy coverage that they will never receive.

Having coverage on these types of devices is highly recommended and important to have in case of an accident or the like causing damage to the device. Coverage depending, the consumer can either get their device repaired free of charge, or get it replaced with the same device of equal value. It is not recommended to purchase fake coverage via a telephone.

Falling for these scams is actually quite simple although can be avoided and should be at all costs. Scammers uses phones to get their money, but it is important to remember that never will insurers call consumers to sell coverage. Experts recommend never sharing personal or financial information with someone posing to be selling coverage. Coverage will be offered at the time of purchasing the device.

Reports indicate that the scammers are buying up cellular devices from a number of companies and calling around five hundred of the numbers on either end of their newly purchased device. They then read their sales pitch script to the victim on the other end in hopes they will fall for it all and purchase the fake coverage with a bank account number or credit card. Never should anyone give out their important information without first making sure that the person selling is legit, which more times than not they are not at all legit.

Growing more and more popular in the UK, these scams are surfacing in thousands of different areas and need to be publicized and stopped! There are numerous legit and legal companies out there that sell true coverage, but they will do this at the same time the device is bought. Scams such as these are always conducted over the telephone or email and should always be made aware of and declined.

Protection and coverage for these popular and expensive devices is highly recommended by experts in this market. They recommend researching companies that do sell this coverage and verifying that they do not have associates calling customers to sell them coverage for their new devices. Coverage should always be bought at the same time and at the same retailer that the device was purchased from.

Research can be done on this topic by going online and reading up on all the mobile phone insurance scams that are out there. These scams are everywhere and are costing thousands of people thousands of dollars and must be stopped. Researching these scams and scam artists is important that way consumers know what to be aware of and what not to do just in case scammers try to work their magic on them.

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