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What Does Google's Purchase Of AdMob Mean For Mobile Marketing?

By Alex Speirs

Google clearly knows a good thing when it sees it and it was definitely onto a winner when it signed up to acquire AdMob stocks worth a reported $750 million back in 2009. It was a deal that was set to be an industry game-changer in the world of mobile advertising but what does Google's purchase of AdMob actually mean for mobile marketing?

Over the past few years, mobile marketing has grown significantly and brings about tremendous opportunities to all those who use it. Initially, some were slow to warm to it, as with any new concept but today many companies, brands and services are becoming truly engaged in what it can do for them as they understand its fantastic potential and what's more they are seeing amazing results. What Google did with this acquisition was to demonstrate to the world that they - the largest and most well-known advertising company themselves - backed this method of mobile advertising and marketing.

By getting involved with AdMob, what Google hoped to achieve was to enhance its existing expertise and technology in mobile advertising, helping it develop more effective tools in creating and analyzing mobile ads formats. It is always looking to be creative, push the boundaries and expand upon whatever it takes on. It seeks always to remain relevant in this fast-paced world of technology. AdMob is one of the largest and the leading mobile ad network for brands like Coca Cola, Adidas, Ford, LandRover, to name but a few of its many clients and its business has grown at a tremendous rate over the past year or so. AdMob and Google both share a common investor in Sequoia Capital.

Fast forward to 2011 and Google has just announced a number of new products and features for advertisers including its updated iOS and Android SDKs with HTML5 support so as to create more rich media ads that can be viewed across platforms. AdMob is reportedly growing well under Google and it reported that AdMob is currently receiving around 2 Billion ad request a day which means a quadrupling over the past year. Mobile advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry and Google knew a good thing when it purchased the AdMob stock.

Mobile and mobile marketing have a profitable and sustainable future and are the way to do business in this modern world. What Google's AdMob deal in 2009 did for mobile marketing was to provide yet more legitimacy to anyone casting doubts back in the day. Mobile marketing delivers precise and targeted campaigns using proven techniques whatever the size of your business. If you want to know how we can help you get into mobile...

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