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Cool Free Apps For Your iPhone

By Thom Yarbrough

iTunes is nothing less than a virtual haven for enthusiasts of new and interesting apps for their iPhones. With the number of new apps being added, it's really impossible to keep a track of them all and in fact, every day new apps get added onto the App Store because of which you can literally find anything you want. Take a look at some this for your reference.

Bubble Wrap Pics

Remember all those fights when you were a child, fighting with your sibling over who gets to pop the bubble from the bubble wrap? Now's your chance to pop as many bubbles as you may like with the Bubble Wrap Pics app on your iPhone. And to add to the fun, once you've popped al the bubbles, there's a surprise picture waiting for you behind it all. It's a nice way to spend your time!


Now this app has got to be the coolest ever! With it, you actually get to turn your iPhone into a block of clay! Well okay not literally, but in a very realistically virtual way of course. With this, the screen transform into a mass of clay and it even goes all out with complete colours and 3D effects. You can lift the clay, sculpt it, move it around, stretch it, smudge it, do anything you always wanted to do with clay but weren't ready to mess up your hands!

Stupidity Test

Well, there have been IQ tests before and those that measure how clever or smart you are, but a stupidity test? That's new. So, download this app and see for yourself exactly how stupid you are. Actually, that's being a bit harsh. The tests on this app actually measure how well you can think under stress or in situations that call for typical out of the box thinking.

Excuses For Work And School

It's one of those days you don't feel like going to work or attending school in, and it's also that time of the year when you've probably used all the excuses tucked under your sleeve. Well worry not, the Excuses app is here toy our rescue, download this onto your iPhone and see what might work. Some of these excuses are just plain old funny while others have a wicked sense of humor. If your boss doesn't have the same app on his iPhone then this might just work!

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