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Apple is Pushing Games Hard -- 5 Reasons Sony & Nintendo Are Desperate.

By Luke Harvey

Thanks to their just-announced upgrade to the iPod touch, Steve Jobs and Apple have really made their priorities clear -- they're out to get the Nintendo DS and Sony's PSP. Sure, the iPhone and the Touch aren't made specifically for messing around with games, but they do contain a ton of them, and Apple's most recent television commercials reflect this fact.

We thus give you 5 great reasons Apple's platform is going to take over the handheld gaming world.

#5: That Damn App Store is Just Huge.

Although selling your games through traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores can get you a lot of profit, doing it through the App store is easier, involves far less overhead, and means anyone can download and buy your game within seconds.

A better straight-download system has yet to be invented, and publishers know this.

#4: A New List Means the Big Games Are Seen More Often.

Apple just introduced a 'most profitable' list, which allows some of the more high end games that exist to get proper billing in the store. Developers were concerned that previous lists only highlighted all the $0.99 offerings, but now serious, big games (including ones that might be offered for $30 or more) are going to get some press.

This is good.

#3: All the Top Developers are Doing iPhone Stuff Now.

With two obvious omissions (being Sony and Nintendo), you've got nearly every other big company currently doing stuff for Apple's platform -- Rockstar, Sega, and the like. This is only going to keep getting better.

It seems like daily we've got a new developer happily announcing an original or a high-profile port to the App store platform, and this is only going to increase in the future.

#2: Innovative Controls Ensure Innovative Games, Too.

While it lacks a traditional method of touch-control due to its screen, the platform has already forced the invention of dozens of other types of games. Heard of Flight Control?

That style of control is entirely unique to the iPhone (the Nintendo DS has some similar games), and nobody knows what incredible innovations that take advantage of the iPhone's unique setup are in the pipeline.

#1: Big Numbers Mean Big Games.

Once the iPhone platform hits a kind of 'critical' level (this has already happened, to an extent), there are massive games that are going to come out. Developers and publishers are realizing the potential of the device in terms of distribution, and we're reaping the benefits.

The App store is continuously expanding in size and capacity, just recently hitting 2 billion downloads, and with Apple's rigorous standards, things are only going to get better.

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