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Having DIY iPhone Ringtones

By Claudette Gambino

Generally, we all like gadgets and stuff and just like any other material thing that we call our own, we tend to express our individualism through it by personalizing it as is evidenced by our iPhone ringtones.

One big advantage of personalizing your own iPhone ringtones is so that you will know if it was your phone ringing or not. This can really come in handy especially if you are living in an urban area where people are constantly milling around.

Through iTunes, it is very easy to acquire your own personal set of iPhone ringtones. Nonetheless, you could still spreads yourself by one other way of creating your own ringtones. All that needs to be done is for you to select a few of your most favorite songs and the iTunes software set up on your PC.

*Step 1 - Open the iTunes software by double-clicking the icon you see on your desktop.

* Step 2 - From your most favored songs, you would have to pick one which will serve as your ringtone.

* Step 3 - as you say that some through the iTunes software, select a portion of it for your unique ringtone.

* Step 4 - At this point, take note of the the range of the starting and ending point of the portion you picked.

* Step 5 - Right-click on the selected song and choose "Get Info" on the options that appear.

* Step 6 - The next step is to click on the "Options" tab that appears.

* Step 7 - The next move would be to specify the start point of your ring tone in the box right following the "start time" minutes:seconds (i.e. 2:01) format.

* Step 8 - - The next step would be to specify the end point of the ring tone. Double check the length and ensure that it is not more than 40 seconds long.

* Step 9 - Click "OK" next.

* Step 10 - Right-click the song you selected once more and select "Convert Selection to AAC." Your song will be converted and you will have to wait for iTunes to finish.A duplicate version will be created.

* Step 11 - You need to delete the ringtone. Do this by right-clicking it choosing "Delete."

* Step 12 - The next step would be to select the "Keep Files" button on the screen.

* Step 13 - Look for the file under the user folder. Most likely you can find it in Music > iTunes > iTunes Music and stored under the band's name with a file name extension of of "m4a."

* Step 14 - Your ringtone will have an extension of "m4r". Change it with "m4a." One option is to slowly double-click the file to rename it. Another option would be to right-click and select "Get Info" on a Mac or "Rename" on a Windows PC.

* Step 15 - The next step would be to click "Use .m4r" or the PC equivalent when the computer warns you about the change of file details.

* Step 16 - Double-click the ringtone file.This will put the newly created ringtone to your ringtones folder in your iTunes Music Library.

* Step 17 - You need to connect your iPhone and sync your ringtones.

Viola! You have just successfully created your personal ringtone that is unique only to your iPhone! You can do it again!

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