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Living a Healthier Life Style with the Evo Shift

By Gareth Jale

There are two different types of applications when it comes to living healthier; those are apps meant for dieting and applications meant for exercise. Niether is more important than the other but it is essential to have applications from both types. Applications can be found on the internet or by visiting the App market. Some are free and some will require you to pay money, but you can take your time searching through them to find the ones that work best for you. However, in the interests of your time, here are a few apps that are commonly recommended for smart phones.

If you are interested in tracking your caloric input and where exactly those calories are coming from, a good place to start is with the freely available Fast Food Calorie Counter. Although there is a paid version to this application that offers users more functionality, you do not need to opt for it because there are a number of free apps that function in the same way. The point behind a calorie counter is to raise your awareness of just how much food you are putting into your body and where exactly the energy in that food is coming from. For instance, you will notice that pizza will have more of an effect on your body than what a bowl of fruits and veggies will do to it.

It is also to have applications that can help you exercise and live out an active lifestyle. Pedo is an application that counts the calories that you lose from running or walking.

There are many more different applications available for living a healthy lifestyle than the ones mentioned here. Beyond these apps, however, you might also want to look into a number of different accessories such as a screen protector and a holster.

Accessories like these can help you on your course to a more healthy and active life through protecting your screen while you are going on about your day in the case of the screen protector. In the case of the holster, it helps to have your smart phone with you while you are off exercising or doing other things to work your way into a healthier life.

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