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Easy Way To Iphone Ringtones

By Faye Hollowton

Everyone who owns an iphone will know, ring tones are one of the must have extras. Ringtones are what give each and every user a feeling of individuality plus they are fun to have and listen to.

Apple unlike most other mobile phones don't allow you to use mp3 tunes as ring tones. This can be overcome by either buying ring tones from the itune's store, Apple would prefer you did this or you could download iphone ring tones already to use.

So you have a great selection of music but it is all in mp3 format, you will soon discover the iphone will not allow mp3 to be played as a ring tone. Apple have decided to create a format called mr4 for the ring tones.

Downloading ring tones already created for the iphone is one option, but more often than not you have to pay for them. But you can create your own free iphone ring tones.

You could spend some time on search engines looking through the hundreds of websites looking for free ring tones, just be careful as with all website some are not what they seem.

Another cost free way to get free ring tones, is to use apple itunes to convert your music. Following some simple instructions will allow you to convert any of your music into your favourite ring tone.

Having your own personal ring tones which nobody else has gives you a good feeling, when your friends call you can set them their very own personal ring tone which you created. being different from all the other ring tones makes you stand out from the crowd.

Once you get used to creating iphone ring tones, why not start asking friends if they would like a personal ring tone created by you using their favourite mp3's.

Whether you want annoying funny, or just the latest pop music for your iphone ring tones. Visit the site listed below and see how you can download and make your very own free iphone ring tones.

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